Our old website become v1.verygames.co.uk

Our old website become v1.verygames.co.uk

The old VeryGames website (www.verygames.co.uk (or .net) became v1.verygames.co.uk. For all customers with services on this site, just put the URL v1.verygames.co.uk instead of www.verygames.co.uk (or .net).

The services of the old site will NOT be transferred to the new site.

You can now access the new site via www.verygames.net URL instead of v2.verygames.net.

Remember, the two sites are completely independent, including user accounts and services.
If you want a service on the new site, you must register and hire a new one.
To create the new account, you can use the same email that on the v1.verygames.co.uk (or .net) site.